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Jennifer West

Senior Researcher

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Jennifer is a senior social scientist at CICERO, with 15 years of interdisciplinary research experience working at the intersection between climate change impacts, vulnerability and adaptation, natural resource management and international development. 

Her formal training (Master, PhD) is in international environment and development studies, with a focus on smallholder agriculture and seed-based humanitarian interventions in East Africa, but she has also worked extensively on local climate adaptation and transformation processes in Norway, has conducted climate research in rural India and China, and is involved in several EU projects and initiatives aimed at enhancing social science contributions to climate services research and innovation. Her current research aims at understanding the potentials and limitations for societal transformation at the local level in Norway and enhancing the practical relevance and impact of climate information and services for stakeholders in coastal Europe and in Africa. She is a co-initiator and co-leader of the Action Group 'Enabling Societal Transformations' within the European Joint Programming Initiative "Connecting Climate Knowledge for Europe" (JPI Climate) and a member of the WMO Commission for Climatology Expert Team on 'Climate Information for Decision-making'.