The Team
The international, scientific consortium behind the ClimINVEST project is specialized in assessing climate impacts and developing tailored climate services and tools.
ClimINVEST is led by CICERO, Norway's foremost interdisciplinary climate research institute with a strong track record in research on climate extremes and impacts. CICERO has extensive experience on working with financial decision makers through its second opinions on green bonds and also convenes the CICERO Climate Finance center, a meeting point between climate researchers and financial decision-makers to discuss climate risk.
The French think tank I4CE – Institute for Climate Economics, has experience on integrating climate change into investment and financial decision-making.
Météo-France, the National Met Service for France, is strongly involved in climate change research via IPCC and seasonal forecasting, in addition to contributing to the development of climate services at a national and international level via the representation of extreme events and heat waves.
Carbone 4 is a leading consulting firm specialized in the climate and energy transition. Whilst providing advisory and business support solutions, we have also developed many specific methods and tools, which allow our clients to identify and understand their risks and opportunities within the global transition.
Wageningen Environmental Research from The Netherlands provides research and advice on building resilience to climate change through user-driven climate services, including translating climate data into relevant indicators and visualization of climate change impacts.
The Dutch non-profit organisation Climate Adaptation Services is specialised making (local) climate information accessible for various actors.